Responsible Person (NDT) - Radiation Safety Responsibilities - WA


Course Details

  • Duration 4 hours
  • Modules18
  • Quizzes16
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Cost$125.00


This course is designed to assist the Responsible Person* in an NDT organisation to fulfil their responsibilities for minimising radiation exposures arising from their operations. It provides information on legislative responsibilities, including those detailed in relevant Codes of Practice.

This course provides a broad overview of the breadth of the responsibilities, giving the Responsible Person the opportunity to consider whether the organisation has addressed the key issues.


*The Responsible Person, in relation to any radiation source, prescribed radiation facility or premises on which radiation sources are stored or used means the legal person:

(a) having overall management responsibility including responsibility for the security and maintenance of the radiation source, facility or premises

(b) having overall control over who may use the radiation source, facility or premises
(c) in whose name the radiation source, facility or premises would be registered if this is required.

To assist the Responsible Person, this course commences with the legislative framework:
How are jurisdictions and the legislation structured, where the requirements covered in this course arise from and where the enforcement power lay.

We'll focus on the responsibilities of the various persons involved.
Under the Planned Exposure Code* there are multiple roles with responsibilities for radiation safety in planned exposures. We will introduce those roles and the responsibilities, and the obligations placed by the legislation and Codes of Practice on each of them.

Clarity is required on who are the persons involved, what are their responsibilities, and the obligations placed by the legislation and Codes of Practice on each of them.

Minimising radiation exposure:
You'll receive an overview of radiation protection strategies, and the radiation dose limits that apply.

Finally, the course covers important codes: the Planned Exposure Code**, Industrial Radiography Code**, the Transport Code**, and the Security Code**.

We'll break down the key requirements for the Responsible Person so that you have a better appreciation of your responsibilities and the required systems, procedures, equipment, and training.

**abbreviated references to these Codes.

Learning Outcomes

Describe radiation safety principles:
  • Explain the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle in radiation protection.
  • Describe the application of justification, optimisation, and limitation in radiation work.
  • Identify the three strategies of radiation protection (time, distance, shielding).
  • Define dose and dose limits for occupational exposure.

Identify the various roles and responsibilities under the legislation and Codes of Practice
  • Responsible Person.
  • Industrial Radiographer.
  • Industrial Radiography Assistant.
  • Radiation Safety Officer.

Describe broadly the systems, procedures, equipment, and training required to comply with the Industrial Radiography, Transport and Security Codes:
  • Describe the requirements that the Industrial Radiography Code*, the Transport Code* and the Security Code* place on the Responsible Person.
  • Identify the requirements for: a radiation management plan, transport radiation protection programme, source security plan including a source transport security plan.
  • Describe the responsibilities and requirements for maintaining records, including that of personal monitoring.
  • Describe the role of the Responsible Person following a radiation emergency.
  • Identify requirements of the Responsible Person when disposing of a radiation source.


There is continuous assessment throughout the course. Within a module are quizzes to check content is understood prior to moving on to the next topic. At the conclusion of each module is a short randomised multiple-choice test.The pass mark of assessments is 70%.

While you work through quizzes and tests you are remotely proctored using your webcam under normal test conditions.