Radiation Training - About

About Us

Welcome to Radiation Training, your accessible online training resource for radiation workers.

Radiation Training arose from experiencing the challenges of working in regional Western Australia where attending radiation safety training involved greater direct expenses (flights, accommodation etc.), additional transit time and then the risk of cancelled courses all leading to a disproportionate effect on those working remotely.

Radiation Training’s modules have been four years in development including creation of a learning management system suited to its requirements. The principals have over 70 years combined experience in radiation safety, occupational health and safety, workplace training, NDT including radiographic testing and software development. External experts in education, continuous learning & assessment, and computer science / cybersecurity have been consulted to add additional expertise to and scrutiny of the online training programmes.

We are committed to protecting your personal information and your right to privacy. If you have any questions or concerns about our policy, or our practices with regards to your personal information, please contact us at contact@radiationtraining.com.au.